At certain times in the life, the mind is exposed to pressures that can cause its imbalance. Everyone perceives these situations differently. Sometimes even a seeming trifle can be a big burden. It is not possible to compile a list of problems that can make a person unable to live their life to the fullest and fully realize themselves. The only problem can be that the mind is cycled and cannot solve the problem on its own. In addition, there are people who work with you to get the problem solved. I'm one of them.
I don't have a specific boundary for the problems I work with. I have already worked with self-harm, eating disorders, suicidal tendencies, bullying, trauma, self-esteem, lack of acceptance or hatred, nervousness, stuttering, pain from loss, PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), sexual abuse, anxiety, intrigue thoughts, aggression, panic, fear, guilt, shame, fear, negative feelings, insecurities in life, relationships with oneself and others, inferiority, loneliness, addiction on PC, etc.